Originally Posted by JinnKai
Please don't take this as an attack Suzz04, but there is no emotional disorder that requires medication. Depression, SAD, OCD, panic attacks, ADD, ADHD.. whatever the flavor of the week is -- it's still something that can be solved by anyone with logical faculties, the desire to change it, and the motivation. The only person who REQUIRES medicine lacks one of the above (usually motivation or logical faculties).
For every story of "how the meds saved me" theres twice as many who worked it out, either by themselves or the counseling of a trained professional. No manner of pseudoscience or anecdotal experience will ever convince me otherwise.
Well the catch with a lot of these disorders is that, if they are severe enough, they completely override one's logical faculties. That's not to say that therapy or some other method won't work, but it can be much quicker, etc. if drugs are used at least as an initial treatment.