I'm unsure of whether or not I want to donate.
It sucks what happened and all, but seeing as how the govt failed to provide adequate funding to keep the most important structures (read: levees) maintained and up-to-date, they should be the ones to pay.
I'm serious, too. If you have a city below sea level, flat out, your top priority is to maintain those levees for the WORST... and trust me, it's easily possible with the technology and money we have these days. If you can send a man to the moon, you can build a f'n levee to withstand hurricanes.
...and where should the govt get this money from, you ask? Well, there's a meaningless war going on that's costing us about $200 billion. In fact, money that was to go to the SELA (Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project) was diverted to help pay for it sometime in 2003. It's about time they take from the "meaningless war fun" and apply it to something that's *actually* relevant to our reality.
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 09-14-2005 at 04:11 PM..