It's simple he felt rejected like every other guy here is saying. It's nothing special; it's nothing against you.
Simple miscommunication
We, guys have to deal with so many different women in different situations that if we get rejected, esp twice we already are wondering.
One more thing that hasn't really been talked about; this was his birthday. I don't know about other guys but if it’s your birthday and you’re in a bar that means you’re looking to have a really good time. So when he meets a lady who shows interest and then on top of that asks him back to her place...I don't care if you are a priest your first thought even if its only in the back of your mind is YES GREAT PRESENT FOR MY BIRTHDAY!
He's probably a great guy like your saying but his little head was talking that night plain and simple. No matter how nice of a guy, he felt a letdown. Is it enough of an excuse to not call you? No. Could of it been handled by both of you better? Of course.
You could have been more upfront about why you didn’t want to go all the way and he could of well, called you. Trust me on this fact, if you walk up and talk to him; you probably won’t even have to ask for his number, just show interest maybe say it’d be nice to get together sometime. He’ll call you, while we hate rejection guys or more then willing to call if we know you’ll say yes.