Originally Posted by sashime76
If you aren't in a hurry, why not wait until boxing day? My wife is Canadian (Edmonton) that's how I know about it. Have you checked Pricewatch? You should be able to find some good prices, just beware of bad vendors. I avoid sites that look amateurish, check out their buyer reviews, too. Aside Newegg, I get stuff from Tigerdirect, too. Once in a while I try my luck on Ebay.
He is in a hurry though...that's the entire problem. He could just order it from NewEgg and put it together, but he needs it really quickly. Too bad there's not many brick and mortar stores for online resellers.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert