Originally Posted by Catdaddy33
One of the kickers for me wanting to get into a more healthful lifestyle, was one day waiting to get into restuarant at the mall, a bus pulled up with a bunch of senior citizens, and I noticed that none were seriously overweight. I started looking around and noticed that you don't see many fat old people...so either they were hiding or dead...
As crude as this sounds, it helped motivate me...
True dat! You also don't see too many seniors who have the habbit of heavy smoking or drinking. Only the "squares" have survived to a ripe old age. It's not crude at all, it's the simple truth. My mom has smoked cigaretts for 50+ years, I'm surprised that hasn't caught up with her yet, she's 71.
As for the weigh in... 241 this morning. I've recovered from my Vegas weekend and the fat burning machine is back on track. I also tried running for the first time the other day, and it may be a while before I actually do that with any regularity, it's very stressful on the legs/knees.