I put ketchup on lots of things. French fries, grilled cheese sammiches, cold chicken, once in a while KD, hamburgers, hotdogs...
And Mal, I love you but you're wrong. Fruit belongs in lots of real food!
*Salads are rarely complete without fruit, (Grapes, raspberries, cranberries, apples, oranges, lemon, mango, pineapple.. the list goes on!)
*Chicken is awesome with lemon, as is fish apparently (I do not like fish, but apparently lemon makes them good)
*pineapple rings are awesome on burgers
*pineapple is also good baked with ham
*mango salsa
*fruit bries
The list goes on forever! Don't underestimate the power of fruit!
Oh, and I like my pizza best with a double dose of pineapple!