I don't understand what the big deal is here. They want to slap a sticker on certain games? Sort of like the 'Explicit Lyrics' sticker that can be found on one out of every 3 cds I buy? Big deal. I remember how everyone was OUTRAGED when Tipper Gore headed the whole 'Explicit Lyrics' sticker brigade, and now no one hardly even notices. It has become meaningless.
As long as these stickers are put on the games they are supposed to be put on, after a certain amount of time it won't even matter anymore. And all they're doing is making it harder for kids to get ahold of these games, just like rap cds, rated-r or -x movies and whatever else can be used as a scapegoat for crime and debouchery.
Heavy metal couldn't be the scapegoat forever, but it sure didn't go anywhere because of a little sticker. Neither will video games. Relax.
Bad Luck City