I'm going to skip the majority of this and say my own thoughts since I also have S.A.D. and really bad axiety problems.
2 things helped me - Getting tested for Hypoglycemia (which doesn't really apply if you're not hypoglycemic, but having good blood sugar levels keeps your moods steady) if you have symptoms and taking Zoloft.
I started Zoloft about a month ago I think and my life has been so much better it's unbelievable. The transition I had to college was a lot more laid back and I wasn't tense and freaked out all the time. Instead of living my life sitting in the constant worry that maybe I did something wrong, maybe I brought the wrong homework, maybe I'm in the wrong room (which I did the fourth day by accident, but I was able to shake it off, laugh at myself, then go and talk to my teacher afterwards. Before I took Zoloft I think I would've frozen up, kicked myself all day for being a dumbass and not talked to my teacher because I hate confronting people when I screwed up, so then I'd spend the next week having anxiety about whether I missed something, maybe there's assigned seating now, etc.) so really, that small thing really helped loosen me up and I wasn't constantly suffering from anxiety everywhere I went.
The thing about taking mood affecting drugs is that you have to go in every week or so, talk to them about it, they'll say "Oh, paranoia... Here, we'll try this drug instead..." and you won't have that problem anymore. Since you're constantly having checkups on the matter I don't really think there's much to worry about.
I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I'm going to mop the floor with your face." I said, "You'll be sorry." He said, "Oh, yeah? Why?" I said, "Well, you won't be able to get into the corners very well."
Emo Philips