Or how about your regular 8 to 4 co-workers looking down on you like you are less of a person?
Hey, we are doing the same job, the same money, the same responsibilities. Why act like I just shit in your mouth because I work midnight to 8?
It is a tough go when I worked shift work up here in Canada... The daylight hours during the winters can be from 9 to about 6, so it is possible (I have done it, unfortunately) to work from late November to mid March without seeing the sun at all. Talk about Seasonal Affective Disorder.
I hate the telemarketers that do not respect shift workers. In barracks, there was a large red sign posted on the shift workers door reading:
The person in this room works off-hours
Knock on this door only in an emergency situation
(Is it important enough to wake up your boss at 3 am?)
By order of the Base Commander
That usually kept things in perspective.
The other thing: Mess hall timings! How many times has a shift worker wanted toast and eggs at supper, or a nice juicy steak at breakfast? My stomach never got used to that. WTF: Beef Stroganoff for breakfast?
I am united with you, our pale skinned bretheren! (seriously, after a while, we can get pretty pale looking)
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.