the words "no bedding" automatically rule out any possibility that these people (i won't say parents) intended the best interest of the children.
now, it may be an issue that these two individuals did not have the capability to understand what the best interests of the children were...which would mitigate my anger at them personally, though not at the fact that this situation has come to pass. In any event, the placing agency is responsible for their sever neglegence in not properly examining the home before placing more children, or for not do follow up visits on those kids already placed there.
i know many caring and compassionate would be parents who would love to adopt...and they're put through hoop after hoop of red tape and tests. i can only justify those delays of putting a child with loving parents if that care and caution prevented such horrors as this case.
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16