I dont think you fully understand what I mean will happen when GWB is assassinated. It doesnt matter how many people will run into the streets because of utter joy. The government will insititute martial law by doing this.
They will explain to people that if GWB can be assassinated by terrorists then anyone in the US can be including Joe Mechanic and Betty Homemaker. They will institute the martial law explaining that it is for the good of the country because what they are doing now is not stopping the terrorists and this is the next logical step. They are using the fear that a terrorist can produce in a large enough scale to put martial law into action. GWB being taken out is not going to make people mad, its just going to be the catalyist to fuel the martial law state.
The assassination will be spun by the media, governement officials, and hardcore government supporters to quickly scare the public into submission and accept anything that the government does. This will happen because Americans are affraid that terrorists will steal their liberties and freedoms. They will think that martial law will allow them to keep what they have become accustomed to as far as freedoms go. The Government and military will assure them that this action will be for their own good and that a little more security is only for the protection of every American. When in reality this will not be the case.
Its just going to be a bunch of power hungry elitiests molding and changing one of the most powerful countries in the world to however they see fit. With the patriot act in place, martial law inacted, and people too stupid to realise what is going on infront of their faces this will go on for some time.
Do you honestly think that when the government gets the power to do whatever they want to whomever they want, in public, in broad daylight, with no reprocussions from anyone or anything, anywhere they will just eventually come to the conclusion that the US is safe again and things will go back to normal after that? No that will never happen. It will be a military state for many years to come. The only way that this will end would be a coup in the government and with a country so powerful as the US it wont happen anytime soon.
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