OKay, I know there was a game i was playing, and I played it for the longest time. And then suddenly I couldnt get past the spot. I threw my controller, definitely learned how to put a PS2 controller back together after that. Put the game away and never played it again. The problem with that is, I think i might have sold the game in my fit of rage and swearing... oh well. As for battletoads: yes... that game. I mean, holy wow... did they mean to make it close to impossible? But yes, another game was the first contra game that came out of PS2. Me and my friend playingtogether couldnt even beat the training mode where you got like 30 guys to begin with... and then to try and beat it after that...sooooo not going to happen.
As for Prince of Persia 2, I didnt seem to run into the problems you guys had with the jumps, yes the camera angle was a little wonky, but still doable. Now you want to talk about bad camera angles... devil may cry or even god of war. You cant do crap for camera angles in those games. Though not using an actual save system is a load of crap. I mean, some of those areas are pretty sketchy, and not being able to save till the end of a level is crap, though you can save anytime during the mission, butonly get to keep the orbs you found... now do you think one could find a glitch with that? almost as good as going back to past missions to play over again.
Good gaming all... =)