Well, just to chime in,
I picked up a black 2GBer yesterday. After fiddling with Itunes for a while (it didn't seem to like my computer...) I got everything working. First impressions: awesome!
I bought it specifically for the gym (I have a 20GB sony with longer battery life for travel/walking around town) and I'm very happy with the size, ease of use and sound quality.
I wouldn't buy it as a primary DAP, but as a secondary player it more than fulfills my needs. I was on the fence about having two players, as up until last week there were very few 2GB flash players at all, and most of them were quite pricey. I first heard about the Nano on Thursday and knew it must be mine...
Honestly, for 2GB, 21000 yen was a damn good price. For those of you who say that a little bit more money gets you the full-sized iPod, that's true, but it's a flash player, geared for different needs and a different market. If you go to the gym/need tunes for exercising, this is a very good deal.
Dead sexy too!
all work and no play make Date something something