I personally hate the froth - and actually have a 'gadget' that still hasn't been packed because i'm not sure if it's hitting the trash pile that is a milk frother - and allows you to froth cold milk if you want... (if i can figure out how to send it to you - it's yours) all you do is pour the milk into a glass pitcher (either hot or cold0 and pump it a few times and voila - foamy milk.
starbucks (at least the one in newark airport) now sells the caramel stuff for making a caramel macchiato, they also sell the vanilla syrup... (i've gotten raspberry syrup (makes an awesome raspberry soda when mixed with club soda0 and other flavors at marshalls - but other stores sell it as well -if not check out balduccis or an italian grocery store)
the frothing is all in where you are putting the pitcher of milk - -and maybe Miss starbucks la petite moi can give further advice here - becuase she does it for a living

but you want the steamer thingie to be near the top of the pitcher.. and just hold it there - you'll get foam at the top - but down below the foam you've gor the froth you want... it's thicker and richer -and even skim milk is palatable.