Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
I couldn't tell you all the provisions in place specifically, but the fact that 40 have been cleared and nearly 200 have been either released or transferred certainly lends creedence to the idea that not everyone is rotting in Gitmo as a result of the all evil/all encompassiong "illegal combatant" detentions and semantics.
we're still talking apples and oranges. the people in gitmo are not us citizens and they were picked up either on the battlefield or in areas near military operations. Padilla is a US citizen that was picked up exiting a plane in O'hare airport. To date, that I'm aware of, the government has not shown one bit of evidence to substantiate the claims of his intent nor has he been charged with a crime. He's been given a label so that the justice system, a system designed to protect us and our rights, is removed from his existence.
Again, If detaining someone with no evidence and no charge on the word of the CinC, whats to stop the same from happening to anyone else with and for less?