Originally Posted by tspikes51
I would really like to know what exactly what part of the American government people don't like (besides the executive administration, which I must remind you only has 1/3 of the power here). Is it the party system, because I can tell you at least one American who loves his government but hates the party system. I'm really curious as to what people don't like about it so maybe we can fix it.
I'll take a stab at this one. I think that it is not the 'system' of government, but the somewhat Orwellian nature that can take place during certain administrations. For example, currently there is a 'if you aren't with us, you're against us' sentiment afloat, which reminds me of Animal Farm ( by Orwell).
This was also evident during the Moral majority era, and the McCarthy era. To me, this is the scary part, that is not liked. Dissent, which is the very cornerstone of the nation, is seen as un-patriotic.
As for the system of government, it is different, but ultimately democratic, as much as any other democracy...