Originally Posted by mandy
so, in response to uncle pony and skier...do girls have to "put out" to let the guy know she's interested?...I DONT THINK SO!!!i believe some guys are really and truely 'NOT LIKE THAT" for my sake i hope, because for some strange reason, i believe in the male species.all they need is some guidance.so honey pot, if you do happen to see him this weekend, i hope you ask him why it is he didnt call you, and if he is as decent as you say he is, well then, he is bound to tell you.
also...next time...take the number:-)
The problem that I see here is not that she didn't "put out", but that she led him to believe that she would. If she really didn't want to engage in sexual activity with him so early in the relationship she would not have taken him back to her house with considerable sexual tension between them after spending time together at the bar.
What I find annoying is that she's attempting to control the speed of the relationships she wants by placing boundaries on subjective sexual liberties of which the other partner has no foreknowledge. She's using the sexual power she has in an attempt to control the other partner. I think Honeypot has to make a conscious decision to set physical and mental boundaries that are clear to both herself and the guys she meets, as soon as she meets them. If she doesn't want to have sex with a guy she just met, she shouldn't take them to her house and tease them for a few hours. If the guy in question doesn't want to see her again if he's not getting sex immediately; he's not the right guy for her.