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Old 09-12-2005, 06:22 AM   #8 (permalink)
Mondak's Avatar
Location: Southern California
Thanks for picking that up. I was left hanging for a long time on that reference. Excelent Site JStrider. I hope you do well with it, but it is organized and clean.

As far as Astrocloud, AVoiceOfReason and ratbastid are concerned, how are things going these days? I had hoped that this thread by Astrocloud would have genereated some more discussions, but it sort of died on the vine.

Any thoughts? I'll throw one out there: I am still on the "I'm not hiring anyone" path. I had the chance to hire someone (a fellow tfper, friend and talented employee) for a contract that would be for 1000-2000 hours. It was fairly safe in that I would be able to guarentee about a year worth of hours and then still have him to bill on other things. I just did not want to interupt my peace of mind that I have developed in only having to be repsonsible for myself (plus wife and kid). Maybe I would have done it in this situation a few months from now sinc it was so safe, but I didn't have enough of a cash buffer to protect him and us if things went south. Instead I closed the contract and he started his own company to deliver it.

I suppose the good thing that can come out of it is we have a new person who is valid to post in this thread. I know he is a bit nervous about going out there on his own.
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.


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