Originally Posted by pigglet
I wasn't going to comment, but what the heck. While I may agree with many of host's positions, I think it will be difficult for him or anyone else to make a claim that mediamatters.org is anywhere near non-partisan. I don't think host ignored that claim, entirely...but it would seem a little side-stepping was involved, which I take as a tacit admission of their bias.
I think it's great what they do...which I actually perceive to be less of applying Liberal spin, as much as it is to selectively point out Conservative bias....but I would prefer that they, or another organization, applied the same research accross the board of the political spectrum. I don't know if the Independent Media Centers come closer to this objective or not.
His first claim seemed to be, biased or not, mediamatters sources their claims.
Regardless of bias, readers are able to follow the links and make up one's own mind.
In that respect, political bias is irrelevant to the factual items they reported on.
The second point host seemed to make was that mediamatters does investigate "left" papers, such as, the NYT.
In respect to bias, at least from the snippets he posted, mediamatters is at least less funnel visioned than rightwing commentators/reporters who would rarely, if ever, question conservative news print.
That's just how I interpreted his reply.