Originally Posted by alansmithee
If you think we would lose a war vs. china or N. Korea you have no understanding of modern warfare. It isn't just numbers (as most successful militaries would attest), it's quality. And China and N. Korea lack severly in comparison to quality of military technology. I don't think anyone with any understanding of military opperation would argue that.
Excuse me while I soil myself laughing.
England was the world's only superpower a century ago, and we got our asses kicked by all maner of "weaker" countries.
The US would win against China?
That's crazy talk, Mr Smithee. You are getting your asses kicked in Iraq by a bunch of terrorists.
You got kicked in the 'nads by Vietnam all those years ago.
There is no conceivable way that the US could win a foreign war agaist China. They can bankrupt you. They outnumber you. They don't have to worry about the government beig called to account for the massive death toll of their people.
You know why Napoleon couldn't take Russia? It was largely down to support at hme evaporating.
You know why Germany lost the first world war? At the time of the armistice not a square inch or German soil had been taken by military force. However the gvernment was collapsing because peopleno longer supported the war.
How many flag draped coffins would it take for the government to be overturned?
Even if you had a kill rate of 200:1 (better than Iraq, and China is stronger than Iraq), they have BILLIONS of people. To kill 5% of their population would cost you over 1,000,000 dead.