Originally Posted by raeanna74
I guess I must post enough or have been here long enough or something cause I have no trouble being able to view the TB or any other boards for that matter. Thing is I rarely go to the TB. I post here pretty much daily in just general discussion as well as a few other of the discussion boards. Just post, get involved and before you know it it won't matter if there are many people here or not. You'll have access to all that you desire to see.
The problem isn't for active posters, because if we had more active posters it wouldn't be a problem.
The problem is bringing in NEW people to become active posters. The titty board attracts people, many of which become active posters.
From a personal stand point, I don't really care about the titty board, my sex life is better than most porno's

, but I do see a decline in QUALITY posts on tfp and thats kinda sad, I think there is a good thing going here, and unlike most internet message boards its not dominated by one school of thought or group.