Originally Posted by jay-g
And i was like, "ooh they have Degiorno pizza too!!", but all of the sudden, "its not delivery its Delissio." I was like what?? I was all by myself and was looking around the room in a state of paranoia, like i was in some weird alternate universe.
Try living in Canada where we get BOTH versions of the ads. Degiorno on the US TV leaking accross the border and our own... we often have that, "something isn't quite right" feeling and then just realize we are watching a US feed (TBS or Spike come to mind).
My favourite non-TV example of this is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone vs. the Philospher's Stone. Apparently the US publisher condescendingly decided to "dumb down" Philosopher's Stone to Sorcerer's Stone.
Originally Posted by jay-g
And for those who have spoken to Canadians, is it just me, or do i hear at the end of their sentences, the pitch goes up. Almost if it was a question, but they are making a statement.
Up Talking. This is a recent trend amongs the younger generations. It serves the same purpose as "huh?", "eh?" or the brits "isn't it?". Except the question is implied rather than asked. The question implies complicity in the listener with the statement.
Originally Posted by majik_6
I find that a lot of Canadians tend to poke fun at Americans for being "die hard patriots", yet insist of having everything they own embroidered with maple leaves.
This is a relatively recent trend (last 10 to 15 years?). Our patriotism, traditionally has always been a bit more understated. This is changing in part because of the "I AM CANADIAN" commercial. It seemed to have triggered a dormant patriotism or maybe it just fed on a growing zietgeist. Regardless, Canadians have become much more fervent about their patriotism. I'm not sure I like it.