My family ate dinner together 7 nights a week as far back as I can remember, and that continued up until high school. Once my younger brother and I got into high school we frequently had school activities (band, football, etc) that would get us out of dinner. Also the paper route I had grew, but even then I would head out right after dinner and collect subscription payments until about 8:30, but this was only for about 10 days a month.
My brother closest to me in age had a serious problem with drugs for years, and it almost killed him. I started smoking at 15, hid it for many years, and only in the last couple years have I ever smoked in my parents presence. I drank all through HS, but in social settings, and not everyday. My brother also smoked for years. My youngest brother and sister never smoked, drank, or did ANYTHING wrong that I ever knew of.
My Dad retired form the military when I was in 9th grade, and became a cop after that (he was also a reserve cop for years prior). I was a hell raiser in school, and did basically the opposite of what I was told most of the time. I thought noting of it at the time, but looking back it's funny that one of my partners in crime was a preacher's son. They used to say that some of the kids most likely to get into trouble were cops and preacher’s kids, male usually.