Originally Posted by Disk_Pusher
American culture does not encourage responsible drinking, and I don't believe lowering the drinking age would fix this.
I agree with you on this statement Disk_Pusher.
To add to it I would say that until American culture does encourage responsible drinking the law should stay just like it is. Yes, you can vote, drive a car, serve in the military, and die for your country in a war, all at an age below 21. (I fit all those categories at one time) Those that want to drink bad enough are going to find ways to get their alcohol one way or another, and they do. I did too when I was a kid at 16. It was nothing to go to a 7-11 and buy a couple cases of beer back then, as long as I was quite, and whomever was with me didn't act like an idiot. I remember those "beer runs" fondly.