I think of Canada often as a teenage kid. They aren't surer of who they are, but they try and emulate the fastest-growing trend (which in this case is Continental Europe). Most of the culture seems to be like the US, but in most other respects seems to be like Europe (i.e. the centralized healthcare). I've only been to Canada once, and seeing as I was only eight, I can only comment on its beauty, which it has plenty of.
And I hate to threadjack, but:
Originally Posted by Mr Honest
If it's YOUR money then hey why let anyone take so much as a cent from you? It's YOURS. If someone else's kid starves that's just too bad? Serves them right for having bad parents? I'm sure you are more socially responsible than that.
Yes, it is my money, being socially responsible is a choice in a true capatalist society. You give to those who are in need, and if you don't then you probably won't be well liked. Of course, in socialist society, you have a choice too, but if you choose not to be socially responsible, the punishment is much more severe.