Originally Posted by aberkok
Well.... we probably would except for the fact the the U.S. always comes a knockin'. Either they want to invade your country or get you to join in on a "coalition of the willing."
To our defense, we've invaded fewer countries than most other major nations, even in the past 150 years. The ones we have invaded (barring Iraq) were either A) after they had been taken over by a hostile force (i.e. Kuwait, Europe in World War I and II, or Afghanistan), or B) after some other country asked us to (i.e. Vietnam). The only major nations I can think of that have invaded fewer countries are either in Asia or are Canada. Now, I'm not saying that invading Iraq was the right move, but, hey, try to give us a little credit. We're not warmongerers like the Mongols or the Romans.
I would really like to know what exactly what part of the American government people don't like (besides the executive administration, which I must remind you only has 1/3 of the power here). Is it the party system, because I can tell you at least one American who loves his government but hates the party system. I'm really curious as to what people don't like about it so maybe we can fix it.