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Old 09-09-2005, 07:22 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere in East Texas
Originally Posted by Carn
Sue, hope everything goes well and you get to see him before he leaves. Just remember that he's going over there with the best group of guys you could ever wish for him to go over there with. They will do anything for each other, and they will always be watching his back.

Just be glad he's not going over there with the Army.. lol. No disrespect to our soldiers, of course.

And yeah, the Marine Corps is still about God, Country, Corps. We had to pray every night before we hit the rack at OCS. Church every week..

..... ok.. Easy on the Army

BTrp, 2/17th Air Cavalry
101st ABN DIV
Fort Campbell, KY

Almost lifelong Army Brat.....

Be nice

Sue... There's been some good advice in this thread, but the most important is this...keep the letters coming. Sam will live for those letters. I deployed with Lockheed to Iraq the first time around, pre 9/11 as a civilian aircraft mechanic. We were supporting 1st Cav aircraft over there. I was there for about 8 months, and LIVED for letters from the wife. Granted I was not military then, but bullets don't discriminate. Last but not least, be proud of your Marine!
...A Bad Day of Fishing is Better Than a Great Day at Work!
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