I want to say that I wasn't accusing you of intentionally spreading propaganda- just that it is similar to make claims if they aren't backed up with facts, or if they are misrepresented/out of context claims. I was certainly not accusing you of being a propagandist, as you seem to have come to your views independently, as have I. I only meant to request that statements in the future be based on fact- statements like "when's last time you did it?" in response to the part of my post concerning the motivations of suicide bombers are innappropriate and not constructive. I only say what I say because I have seen things that play on Palestinian TV, read transcripts of sermons given in mosques, and seen the way the bombers are glorified and made into heroes, their families paid, and I have seen what the Islamic groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad say about them, and these being their beliefs, what they indoctrinate the soon-to-be bombers with. It is not just speculation, I am not making anything I say up.
I never had any intention of insinuating that 9/11 wasn't painful for you- I am deeply sorry I have inadvertently offended you, or hit any nerves with subject. It was never my intention to offend you. I was, however, trying to point out that the ideology, extremist Islam, that motivated the hijackers is the same that motivates Palestinian suicide bombers, and that there is a serious connection between the parties, in terms of the war on terrorism. Because they share the same ideology and methods, fighting one is fighting the other, even if their goals are different (they actually share the same goals, but have chosen different targets- the Palestinian terror groups want the "West", Israel, off "arab land", and Osama wants the same with regard to Saudi Arabia, "Palestine", and the eventual destruction of the West. Part of fundamentalist Islamic doctrine is the idea that Islam must dominate the whole world. That is why there have been terror attacks against all western interests. Any Islamic terrorist wants the destruction of all non-Islamic countries, and Islam to dominate the world. Palestinian terrorism is mostly by Islamic groups, except for groups like Fatah, which is secular- but many ideas are shared, obviously since Arafat calls for Jihad. It is much like the fact that although Saddam was a secular Baathist, he invoked Islam to get people to fight for him.
Didn't mean to accuse you, Sun-Tzu, only to explain that you are in fact mistaken if you believe there is no connection, or that if appeasing one will not strengthen the other. I say this as an American, who lives in New York City, who does not want another 9/11, or to be blown up somehow or die in a bio-terror attack.
Truth is peace. We are all souls in bodies.