Originally Posted by Lasereth
Since the early 1900's, the US government has taken a view on helping world issues. etc.
Just wanted to point out that until the end of 1941, when America was directly attacked by the Axis, the vast majority of americans supported the isolationist stance that was reflected in governmental policy. Throughout the 1800's the USA clung steadfast to the ideal of being independant of britain and basically ignored whatever was going on overseas. It wasn't until world war 1 that the U.S. broke policy to help out, but it was as an associate power instead of an ally. At the end of the war, they never joined the league of nations and returned to isolationism, a stance mainly supported by staunch republicans. Political support for this ideal grew in strength throughout the 20's and 30's.
1940 was the turning point for isolationism. Germany and italy were winning, and americans were worried that they might be next. Given that scenario, the majority, by the autumn of 1940, were willing to help defeat of the Axis even at the risk of war.
But in 1940-1941 many still supported the non-interventionist viewpoint. Although isolationists failed to block proposals by the Roosevelt administration to help the Allies with methods short of war, 80 percent of Americans opposed any declaration of war against the Axis. Not until after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and Germany and Italy declared war on the US on December 11 did they declare war against the Axis. Afterwards thje roosevelt administration created the united nations, and american policy was supportive of helping other countries.