Originally Posted by Zeraph
Bullshiat it is, that's like saying cops break the law b/c they have to disturb the peace to arrest someone disturbing the peace.
For all the "bitching" you arn't hearing any reasons why it's wrong? Don't you get what bias means? A polls job is to measure something, your poll does not measure what it's supposed to, it has no internal validity. So if the results are pointless, then all your doing is getting a rise out of people, and that is fucking trolling.
Oh so you're the "police" now are you? Because unless you are an "official moral authority", the entire purpose of your posts here are to get a rise out of me. Pot. Kettle Black.
And not once did I say I wasn't hearing reasons that people "felt" why the poll was "wrong". I
said that I wasn't hearing any reasons that didn't fit into one of the categories offered.
Originally Posted by Latch
I think it's pretty obvious he wasn't after a real poll though, he was doing his bit of armchair activisim and soliciting donations in a peer-pressure sort of way.
You are certainly free to think whatever you want (however wrong it may be) if it makes you feel better about yourself. But the truth of the matter is I wanted to get a bead on how a geographicly and culturally diverse crowd was reacting to Katrina, donation-wise. And I came up with all of the reasons that I could think of why people would choose not to donate. They were: apathy (4,6), selfishness (4), racism/nationalism/hate(4,6), religion (5), adversity to charity (organized or otherwise)(5), laziness (4), and poverty (7). And unlike others on this thread, I never implied that I am all knowing and was open to reasons for not donating that didn't fit into one of the categories(which is why they added the poverty option). There is only space for 10 options anyway, and
no matter what I would have put, it would not have pleased everyone, and people would have complained, because [i]they always do[i].
As far as all of the "no" answers being "negative", answering no, by definition, is
negative. And since I have absolutely no control of how someone feels when they read an answer, I no way of making the "no" reasons be positive.