Originally Posted by biznatch
250 Bucks? For less, I ordered my iRiver H320. I find it sexy (unconditionnal apple lovers will contradict this) it has 20 gigs, has radio features, line in (mp3 and wma encoding), a huge range of compatibility in sound files, plays video, 8 to 16 hours of battery depending on the type of use...
I think I made my point. That Nano may be cute, and some might find it sexy (I just think its the same look ipod has had for quite a while now, and since everywhere I look someone's holding one, to me its as original as a can of soda).... but the features are just..so limited compared to what else is out there... I think people should buy elsewhere than apple, apple, apple... there's better, cheaper products.
There's no doubt that there are "better" products out on the market. However, we're comparing two different things here. Your iRiver (iirc) is hard drive based correct? The Nano is flash based. Also, what are the dimensions of the iRiver? I find it hard to believe it's even close to being as small as the Nano. Does the iRiver have a color screen? (maybe I should google this eh?) For me, I could care less about the size. The 4gb Nano would do great for me during runs and workouts or whatever. I'm not going to listen to over 1,000 songs during that time anyway. The price for the Nano is about right considering the prices of flash media. I don't personally find it that pricey.