Originally Posted by Elphaba
Good gawd, almighty... you could not have said anything more ignorant given that there is a drive toward a market driven, global economy. My *state* depends on foreign trade for it's survival. Apples, timber, even the geoducks are economic resources dependent on foreign trade. This is NOT a hobby.
Nice how you missed:
Originally Posted by alansmithee
the domain of people who deal with international business.
But I guess facts just get in the way of making a point, right

And the items you listed make up only a small portion Washington state's total exports (at least in 1999, the most recent data I could find quickly).
But since it's so essential, would you mind giving me a quick briefing of the politics of your state's largest trading partners?
Also an explanation why despite America's apathy toward the rest of the world, why (at least in Washington, according to the data I found) trade has gone increasingly up? I don't know, maybe this obsession with other countries' domestic issues that the world has for the US isn't necessary for trade (at least in the US)?