I love Americans individually, and collectively I chuckle to myself.
The way that your government system is set up ensures division and hostility.
An old American Army Captain that I met had differing views of History. He was not taught the war of 1812 in school, and became quite enraged about some of the things I had been taught. We nearly came to blows over the subject, but luckily he out-ranked me and I deffered, preventing an international incident.
I envy the nationalism that seems to pour out from every American I meet. I have commented before how I wish that Canadians could somehow stop appologizing for being Canadian. I find myself constantly saying "Boy, I hope I don't offend anyone..." as I post replies to the TFP.
Do you think that Americans wander around saying that?
"I've got the Fucking First Ammendment gauranteeing me the right to offend people. Here is my opinion, here is the rationale behind it, and if anyone disagrees, they are wrong and I will tell them so."
I admire that way of thinking.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.