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Old 09-08-2005, 12:31 PM   #56 (permalink)
Originally Posted by texxasco
Additionally, I think it is wrong to run photos of the deceased in any publication until the next of kin are notified. In this case, that would be awfully hard based on the photo alone. I should have chosen my words more carefully because I was actually making two separate statements.
So... even though there's no way anyone, anywhere, could ever tell who the picture is of, that somehow should still prevent them from using it, as next of kin can't be told?

That way nobody has to find out their relative from a photo in a newspaper....and I do NOT mean this particular photo in question.
Well... since this entire thread is about the photo in question, and not imaginary photos or some other photo elsewhere, I again don't understand what you're driving at.

A good descriptive story, supported by photos of the destruction would suffice for me.
I think half the point being made in this thread is that people shouldn't feel satisfied to be so sanitized and disconnected from the realities of the world. While this may suffice for you, I think it is a poor way, in general, to water down the atrocities that have occured. This is precisely the reason why there are other threads in which people complain that we don't have to care or concern ourselves with things happening elsewhere. That's a very dim, narrow, and poor way to treat everyone else on the planet.

People are too protected, and that's why they have so much fear.

I am curious as to your use of the word "she" in the above paragraph. Care to explain? On second thought, nevermind.
Well, you seem to think it's a popular opinion that the body is female, so I'm just going with it.

Here's where you crossed the line... You ought to know better as a moderator, and calm down a little. You're getting way too worked up about this, and your sarcasm isn't necessary. Are you mocking my opinion? Is that what moderators do? Or, are they supposed to intervene before someone does what you are doing right now... which is riding my ass because my opinion differs from yours. You can climb off now, and quit acting like a kid. I would think that as a moderator, you would want to exhibit a little more tact. What are you gonna do names? I think you're singling me out, and for what reason I don't know. I notice you didn't call StanT on his assumption that the body pictured was a woman...why not? I also notice you haven't offered me any constructive criticism...just criticism. So, I'll offer you some. Calm down dude, or dudette...whichever you are.
Sarcasm is hardly ever necessary, that's it nature. It is, however, a very valid form of expression, so I have no idea why you're taking umbrage to it. I've debated with many people before you, and will likely continue to do so for quite a long time, and I can say that I have never (and will never) "ride [someone's] ass" just because they have a different opinion on something. Especially on such a trivial matter as this. I know what tact is, thanks, but I don't see anything that qualifies as tactless. To be sure, I am human and have had my share of tactless posting here or there, but this is not one of those times. I'm not singling you out, i'm responding directly to something you posted. It happens all the time. Someone posts soemthing, someone responds to it. Not that tough a concept. I keep responding to you, because we are engaged in a debate here. I'm not obsessed with seeing your words on the screen or anything. I didn't have an issue with what StanT said, which is why I didn't have reason to respond. You two have different opinions, and his is fine with me. Yours, I took issue with. And here's some constructive criticism, since apparently you've been wanting and i've denied you... accusing people of a laundry list of nonsense isn't the best way to debate with people. None of what I said was personal to you, yet you are responding directly to me in a very personal way. This behavior, on these boards, is tactless, because we try to strive for a higher level of debate, away from petty personal bickering.

I shouldn't have to defend my opinion to the extent that I have had to here in this thread. Gimme a break...

The only one arguing is you....
If you think this was a tough debate, my constructive criticism would also include not going anywhere near the politics forum. This is Sesame Street in comparison. Also, there is more than one use of the word "argument"... and "arguing" is not the same thing. I'm not arguing with anybody. An argument is your case in a debate. That's how it was used in my context, and that's how it was meant.

Originally Posted by pigglet, to texxasco
I think the problem with your previous post is that it's pretty easy to perceive that you were sort of putting down the other poster.
Precedent can be a bitch.

Oh, and i'm a guy, since you weren't sure.
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