Originally Posted by Redjake
I haven't cut it yet and he hasn't mentioned it since. We have our first formal meeting next monday and I'll let everyone know how it goes!
I had a business ethics class back in the day, where every so often, the professor would say something or do something, just so gage what the reaction would be... It could be anything to making a crass remark to another student, to wandering in with his fly down, the best was the day he came in smelling of booze (he actually took a breathalyzer test at the end of class, and he wasn't drunk, he had sprayed himself with whiskey) to see how people would react... and to kind of test people. It was an interesting study in human behavior....
If he does object to your hair, or threatens to lower your grade because you didn't cut your hair, decide if this is a battle you want to fight, and make it a fair fight, no screaming, no name calling, no cussing, stand your ground, maintain your professionalism, and take it to a higher source..