I think that many of the issues we outside of the US tend to have with those who live in the US is the insularity that has been referenced above.
The US is a big place but in general it is a big place that is very inward looking. The same media and cultural entertainment that is exported to the World is often the only (if not the most prevalent) thing that US citizens use for inormation about themselves.
I am often surprised at not only the lack of information about global events but moreover, the lack of interest in global events. I do see this changing for the better and wouldn't argue that it is universal by any stretch (the best example of this at a high level is GW Bush's assertion on the campaign trail in 1999/2000 that he had only been out of the US once in his life combined with his lack of knowledge of foreign leadership and general issues and he was an educated man running for the highest office).
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke