Originally Posted by djtestudo
You also left part of the second article out:
Lt. Gen. Carl Strock, the corps' chief of engineers, said late Wednesday that the corps' requests cited in Landrieu's figures were the amount that would be needed to finish the work in a given year. But he said the corps, working with the administration, rarely requests the full amount in the budget.
"There are limited resources and there are huge demands on it," he said. "Very rarely do we fund at full capability."
Even if the projects had been funded at the highest amounts, Strock said it might not have changed the situation in downtown New Orleans. He said the levee near the 17th Street Canal, where one of the breaches occurred that emptied water into the city, was fully completed.
In any forum I've visited, this kind of dishonesty (leaving out highly pertinent information because it contradicts your opinion) would end any trace of credibility the poster had possessed.