Originally Posted by BigBen931
snip/ Hell, I think that this is the first time that I have ever quoted an article.
And what an article to quote BigBen! Thankyou.
I would like to refute our monkeybrains... I would like to think it possible to look at every situation, person, corporation etc. as individuals doing their best to survive in our massively over-complex networks and systems we have created for ourselves.
I see this article as something that is challenging us to look beyond our "monkeybrains" more toward an outlook of True Human Equality.
Religion and philosophy are the only examples I can think of that have tried to expand our limited ideas or "monkeybrains"... Why is it not everybody can see the sense in these approaches? This article says that we only have a capacity for 150 people max... but there is something else going on as there are many people that appear to only be concerned for 1 (
themselves). What's up with that?