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Old 09-07-2005, 03:24 AM   #6 (permalink)
Location: Right here
Originally Posted by Daniel_
True enough.

What astonishes me is that all the people have a perverse faith in the government to rescue them.

If this were happening in almost any other country in the world, 60,000+ people in one place with no authorities and no supplies would have started marching up the highway with banners saying "feed us or watch us die"
I don't agree with this. While the white commentators highthief is referring to may have had faith in the government, the black citizens didn't quite see it like that. Many of the ones I saw interviewed specifically attributed their refusal to leave on the basis that they didn't believe the government would or could provide the resources to them once they arrived at the shelters or secure their possessions once they left them behind.

I watched Greta on FOX last night trying to coax one elderly black man to come with her into the rescue boat. He chose to remain on his porch asserting he was "going to take his chances." Looking through his eyes, one would have seen a white reporter and then looking in the boat three white cops from places other than New Orleans and two of them were even described as being not from LA.

The look in his eyes seemed to be, yeah right. You're taking me to safety?
Not that they were going to drag him out of sight of the camera and lynch him, but that he was pretty skeptical of the idea they really had something along the lines of safety and his wellbeing to offer.
He certainly wasn't expressing any expectation or hope that "his" government was going to do him any favors. From his age and location, I suspect he was pretty used to the idea of self-sufficiency.
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