Originally Posted by Lasereth
I can't argue much about this topic due to my...lacking political knowledge, but I do find it funny that a few members were berating the President for being a liar and then praising Michael Moore. There is no getting around it: Michael Moore is a liar. A public liar. His movies are great forms of persuasion and are very thoughtful, but within these movies are <I>lies</I>, plain and simple. Being on the side of someone who exaggerates to the extremes and even lies in his movie productions is no better than blindly following a "lying" President.
Keyshawn brings up a good point as well -- the President may be presenting false information to the public, but I highly doubt that he is told to lie or is lying on his own behalf. It's most likely information that is transferred to him through close outlets. I do agree that this is a faulty procedure and that such information should be closely inspected, but calling the President a "liar" due to false information being given to him is ignorant. That's the same act as calling the initial 9/11 death toll providers as liars...it's not a lie, it's just a serious lack of information verification.
My response here also speaks to comments posted by <b>aswo</b>, <b>djestudo</b>, and <b>Marvelous Marv</b>.....
My three past posts on this thread have been almost exclusively confined to my thoroughly (and so far, unchallenged, as to the citations I've offered to back my two examples of outrageous Bush lies) documented background information related to the following quotes of Bush's comments recorded by the media shortly after two unprecedented disasters.......
Bush speaking on ABC TV, Sept. 1, 2005:
I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees.
Bush, speaking to reporters on Sept. 16, 2001
I've posted multiple MSM news reports and commentary to back my point that it is not reasonable to defend either of Bush's "post disaster" attempts to deflect blame or responsibility via very similar, untrue statements.
Please attempt to refute the documentation that I've posted to back my contention that, in the two most important incidents that have occured during Bush's presidency, he has chosen to make very similar statements shortly after each event that are not just misleading, but intentionally and obviously false. This pattern now is so obvious, that Bush's base, the Christian Right, are perceived by a growing number of Americans, to be supporting an obvious liar.
By VOA News
05 August 2005
.......Respondents who consider Mr. Bush honest has dropped slightly, with 50 percent now saying they do not consider the president truthful.
Political observers say any further erosion of trust could make it tougher for Mr. Bush to win support for his domestic and international priorities.........
Instead of challenging my documentation, you are reduced to calling me "ignorant", full of "hate", and you make the claim that posting the comment that "Michael Moore is not the enemy", is akin to supporting a POTUS who has lied about his own knowledge concerning the two greatest crises that he has faced as our president.
Can we get back on track? How is either of the Bush quotes, in the face of the other info I've posted about 9/11 plane hijackings and about what was known before the New Orlean levees failed, not an obvious and intentional lie to the American people. during a time of a great crisis ? Facts have to matter. My reaction to what Bush has said is one of outrage, based on the facts.
To ignore the facts and defend Bush despite two of his greatest lies, while making no effort to dispute the evidence that makes the case for him being
a liar who openly betrays the trust placed in him by the American people in a time of crisis, not once, but twice, should be recorded for all to see.