What I find most sickening is that Americans, including most here, are rejoicing in this rather than trying to figure out what is going on and how we can fix our problems. We are lamenting over the supremacy of our own country and its government which is made up entirely of its own people. I find it absolutely disgusting. I am all for peace and getting along with everybody, but since somebody has to be at the top, what is so wrong with that being us, especially since we have the ability to govern for the common good. You whine about the rising costs of living, but when the shit hits the fan the costs skyrocket while the standards decline. Criticizing leaders is one thing (which is strongly encouraged), while reveling in the loss of our people's status-- and more importantly, our lives-- is utterly disgusting. I am absolutely furious right now.
"I'm telling you, we need to get rid of a few people or a million."