Originally Posted by Lasereth
I can't argue much about this topic due to my...lacking political knowledge, but I do find it funny that a few members were berating the President for being a liar and then praising Michael Moore. There is no getting around it: Michael Moore is a liar. A public liar. His movies are great forms of persuasion and are very thoughtful, but within these movies are <I>lies</I>, plain and simple. Being on the side of someone who exaggerates to the extremes and even lies in his movie productions is no better than blindly following a "lying" President.
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Keyshawn brings up a good point as well -- the President may be presenting false information to the public, but I highly doubt that he is told to lie or is lying on his own behalf. It's most likely information that is transferred to him through close outlets. I do agree that this is a faulty procedure and that such information should be closely inspected, but calling the President a "liar" due to false information being given to him is ignorant. That's the same act as calling the initial 9/11 death toll providers as liars...it's not a lie, it's just a serious lack of information verification.
That is an important point. He doesn't just pull what he says out of his ass, he actually gets it from other people who have that job, and probably had it under Clinton, H.W. Bush, and further.
You can say what you wish about the information provided, but calling it lies is a lie in itself.