Yes. As noted, under a Libertarian system, the helpless undereducated underclass would have starved to death/been shot by private securty/died of desease and exposure already.
In the event that some of this detrius where to die in the aftermath of a hurricane, it wouldn't be anything unusual or commentworthy. With thousands of unworthies dieing without a hurricane, a few extra deaths from inclement weather would be ignoreable.
The producing members of society would have the wealth to flee. Those who chose not to flee would be getting what they deserved, punishment for not being clever enough.
And, under a libertarian system, it is unlikely that N.O. itself would be around. It isn't a very safe or efficient city -- having a city built beneith sea level isn't a very financially sound idea. Large numbers of people (on the order of millions) forced to pay money in order to maintain the levees is antiethical to libertarianism -- for each person, shorting the levees generates more personal benefit, even if the levees would be worth it overall.
In addition, the lack of the distorting Federal Flood Protection program would result in the gulf coast being ... rather poor real estate. As would most costal areas and areas in flood plains.
So really, in a Libertarian society, N.O. wouldn't be a noticeable problem.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.