Bush's policy on the whole matter seemed very lassiez-faire to me. Taking 3 days to respond to an event they knew was coming is such a joke. A level 5 hurricane was number 3 on FEMA's list of worst possible disasters (just behind a nuke in a major city and a 9.0 earthquake in CA).
Things wouldn't have gotten out of hand if the feds didn't bottleneck the process.
http://prisonplanet.com/Pages/Sept05/040905killing.htm"There are supplies sitting in Baton Rouge for the folks in New Orleans, but the National Guard has the city surrounded and is not letting anyone in or out. They are turning away people with supplies, claiming it is too dangerous...Our goverment is KILLING the people of New Orleans. This is the message I am now sending to all major media sources, national and worldwide, as well as posting to email lists, blogs, etc. The story is getting out that the people there are not getting supplies, but the truth of WHY is not. "
The Libertarian policy wouldn't have locked people in sports arenas and convention centers without food or water for days. The good citizens of LA and United States were the only ones who were really trying to help.
Homeland Security won't let Red Cross deliver food