VB 2005 .Net + Connector/Net + MySql + CheckedListBox
I am having trouble getting the CheckedListBox to Check items, which the user has Checked before and which have been stored in a MySql-Database.
All the CheckedListBox items have been loaded from database and all have an indentifier which is the ValueMember.
How do I make the damn CheckedListBox to check items where the CheckedListBox.ValueMember is the same as what I get from the user checkeditems in Database?
In a loop? Yes! But how?
This is in free form (I am not at my project computer)
for each item in Checkedlistbox.items
if Checkedlistbox.selectedvalue(item) = mysqldatareader.item("id") then
else : mysqldatareader.nextresult()
End If
It goes something like that...anyone?