Sure, Bush didn't do anything to cause the hurricane, but he also did nothing to expidite the relief effort. Perhaps I was the only one in the United States to be watching the Weather Channel, but I sorta kinda knew that there was going to be a hurricane hitting New Orleans, oh, about 5 or 6 days before it did. At the very least, Bush had 72 hours before the storm hit to organize FEMA and the Army Corps and have them standing by, so that the second the storm was out of the area they could go rushing in.
Four days later, they arrived.
Sure, Bush didn't cause the looting or the gang raping or the sniping, but there certainly no National Gaurd on patrol to quickly put it under wraps. No, they were off to Iraq (where two friends of mine have gotten killed in the past month because they were gathering shoes for children). Pardon me, but I believe the National Gaurd was started in the 60s gaurd the nation along its boarders? Maybe?
Bush didn't cause global warming, and certainly his two terms haven't solely affected the world insomuch as to cause this. It's a debate as to whether it is real or not. Bush is not to blame (though also not to celebrate) for this.
Again, this was the federal government getting caught with its hand down its pants again. They didn't plan ahead. They didn't care. Bush was too worried about his backstroke. Terrorist diaster? Didn't plan ahead to prevent it. Natural diaster? Didn't plan ahead to prevent it. Third time's the charm?
"I've made only one mistake in my life. But I made it over and over and over. That was saying 'yes' when I meant 'no'. Forgive me."