Originally Posted by Ben Stein
7.) George Bush is the least racist President in mind and soul there has ever been and this is shown in his appointments over and over. To say otherwise is scandalously untrue.
It's not possible to quantify the racism in a person's mind and soul. While I don't necessarily believe Bush is a racist, I think this is a clear example of Stein trying to elevate the man by painting his predecessors as "more racist."
Originally Posted by Ben Stein
8.) George Bush is rushing every bit of help he can to New Orleans and Mississippi and Alabama as soon as he can. He is not a magician. It takes time to organize huge convoys of food and now they are starting to arrive. That they get in at all considering the lawlessness of the city is a miracle of bravery and organization.
I can't take this one seriously. George Bush wasn't getting his hands dirty on this one, he was on vacation. Stein says Bush is not a magician, but apparently he has the magical ability to simultaneously play the guitar and help organize flood relief.
Originally Posted by Ben Stein
12.) The entire episode is a dramatic lesson in the breathtaking callousness of government officials at the ground level. Imagine if Hillary Clinton had gotten her way and they were in charge of your health care.
This is highly partisan. He shouldn't be using this as an oppurtunity to attack someone.
Originally Posted by Ben Stein
More Mysteries of Katrina:
Why is it that the snipers who shot at emergency rescuers trying to save people in hospitals and shelters are never mentioned except in passing, and Mr. Bush, who is turning over heaven and earth to rescue the victims of the storm, is endlessly vilified?
I've seen no evidence of the
endless vilification of Bush. What I see, watching CNN too much, are questions being asked about the
federal government's funding of levee development being cut in favour of military spending. Stein hasn't addressed this, and instead proves himself to be an amazing hypocrite, when he describes Bush as "turning over heaven and earth to resuce the victims of the storm." Apparently Bush does not have the ability to create hurricanes, but can turn over heaven and earth.
Bush is a fool: I'd have totally picked flying or invisibilty.