Originally Posted by DJ Happy
In almost any workplace I can think of, there is a chain of command and responsibility. If the people working under the head honcho screw up, the head honcho will be laughed at, sneered at and finally shown the door if he dares offer the excuse of, "It wasn't my fault, I didn't know what they were doing." It's his job to know what they're doing and if they aren't doing it properly, it's his job to make sure they are.
True, but the head of Sears doesn't get laughed at if the guy at Macy's fouls up. There are different responsibilities for each separate government entity, and agencies within those entities. Bush is no more in charge of the Louisiana governor's office than I am.
This isn't to say that Bush's administration is fault free in this--I don't think they are--but not every error that floats to the top stops at his desk in this situation.