I think the appropriate question here is: why does the President of the United States, leader of the free world, most powerful person on the planet, need Ben Stein to defend him? Or anyone else, for that matter?
It is rather amusing that Mr. Stein, along with legions of other conservatives, seem to think that Mr. Bush is incapable of defending himself in the wake of Katrina and his flagging opinion polls, that he's such a weak fellow that he needs a legion of armchair pundits busy chasing away his every critic.
In all my adult life I have never found the need to defend any president from his political opponents, regardless of who he was or whether I supported him (and my support has never been more than lukewarm).
I don't know whether it's just the rise of the internet, but Bush seems to be the most in need of outside assistance of any president in recent history, at least judging from the behavior of his supporters.