I agree....it was a valid response, and I actually believe Jesus existed. I am asking for actual proof that the scriptures portray the life of "The Son of God", as this is the basis for Christianity.
As for this:
"Until someone comes up with a good theory on why his entire life would be a hoax, this conjecture is silly. As an atheist I have no doubt that Jesus did exist (as I've stated before), and its very hard to imagine that a new religion with such power would be started on a hoax."
Perhaps a bit of research into the history of Christianity, and the people who made it what it is would help clarify this for your imagination, as it was formed over the last 1000 yrs into the church we have today. The current incarnation bears little resemblance to what it was in infancy. The same can be said of the Bibles.
Including such ommisions as these: